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How to handle token expiration?

After the token expires, you need to call the logout method to log out of the Signaling system. Then use the new token to create a new instance and call the login method to log in to the system again.

How to get the list of users who joined and left the stream channel during disconnection and reconnection?

After listening to the topic event notification, in a weak network environment, if you disconnect and reconnect, you will receive a SNAPSHOT event in topic.

To obtain the list of users who joined or left the stream channel during disconnection and reconnection, refer to the following sample code to generate a local cache and compare it with the user list in the SNAPSHOT event:

  • Users with more SNAPSHOT events than in the local cache are those who joined the channel during the disconnection and reconnection period.
  • Users with fewer SNAPSHOT events than in the local cache are those who left the channel during the disconnection and reconnection period.

// Global variable
const channelTopics = new Map();
// Event handler
const rtmConfig = {};
const rtm = new RTM("appid", "uid", rtmConfig);
rtm.addEventListener("topic", (topicEvent) => {
console.log(topicEvent, "topic");
const topicsCache = channelTopics.get(topicEvent.channelName) ?? new Map();
const remoteLeaved = new Map();
const remoteJoined = new Map();
const { publisher: user, channelName } = topicEvent;
if (topicEvent.eventType === "SNAPSHOT") {
topicEvent.topicInfos.forEach(({ publishers, topicName }) => {
remoteJoined.set(topicName, []);
remoteLeaved.set(topicName, []);
const topicDetailsByCache = topicsCache.get(topicName) ?? [];
// Removed
topicDetailsByCache.forEach(({ publisherMeta, publisherUserId: targetUid }) => {
if (!publishers.some(({ publisherUserId: eventUid }) => targetUid === eventUid)) {
remoteLeaved.get(topicName)?.push({ publisherUserId: targetUid, publisherMeta });
topicDetailsByCache.filter(({ publisherUserId: cacheUid }) => cacheUid !== targetUid);
// Added
publishers.forEach(({ publisherMeta, publisherUserId: eventUid }) => {
if (!topicDetailsByCache.some(({ publisherUserId: cacheUid }) => eventUid === cacheUid)) {
remoteJoined.get(topicName)?.push({ publisherUserId: eventUid, publisherMeta });
topicDetailsByCache.push({ publisherUserId: eventUid, publisherMeta });
topicsCache.set(topicName, topicDetailsByCache);
} else {
// Your code for handling the updated event
topicEvent.topicInfos.forEach(({ topicName, publishers }) => {
const topicDetailsByCache = topicsCache.get(topicName) ?? [];
publishers.forEach(({ publisherMeta, publisherUserId }) => {
if (user === publisherUserId) {
switch (topicEvent.eventType) {
case "REMOTE_JOIN": {
topicDetailsByCache.push({ publisherMeta, publisherUserId });
case "REMOTE_LEAVE": {
topicDetailsByCache.filter(({ publisherUserId: uid }) => uid !== publisherUserId);
topicsCache.set(topicName, topicDetailsByCache);
channelTopics.set(channelName, topicsCache);
console.log({ remoteJoined, remoteLeaved, channelTopics, channelName }, "topic diff for debug");
