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Generate token using an app server

Interactive Whiteboard uses a set of tokens for user authentication: SDK Tokens, Room Tokens, and Task Tokens. Each type of token can be assigned to an admin, writer, or reader role. For details, see Token Overview.

Agora provides an open source netless-token repository on GitHub that includes code samples for generating tokens using JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Golang, PHP, Ruby, and C#.

This article introduces how to generate tokens from your app server using these code samples and your access keys (the AK and SK).

To enhance security, do not save or send the AK and SK to your app clients. You should save the AK and SK on the app server, and issue tokens from the app server according to the actual needs of your app scenarios.


Ensure that you have enabled Interactive Whiteboard for your Agora Console project.


In the netless-token-master/Node/JavaScript folder, you can find:

  • An index.js file, which contains the source code for generating tokens.
  • A file, which contains code samples for generating tokens.

Before proceeding, ensure that you have installed the latest version of Node.js LTS.

Generate an SDK Token

Refer to the following steps to generate an SDK Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/Node/JavaScript folder and run the following command to install Node.js dependencies:

npm install

  1. Create a file named sdktoken.js and copy the following code into it:

const { sdkToken, TokenPrefix } = require("./index");
// Generate a SDK Token
const netlessSDKToken = sdkToken(
"Your AK", // Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", // Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, // Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire
role: 0 // Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to 0 (Admin), 1 (Writer), or 2 (Reader)

  1. Run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSSDK_ in the terminal:

node sdktoken.js

Generate a Room Token

Refer to the following steps to generate a Room Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/Node/JavaScript folder and run the following command to install Node.js dependencies:

npm install

  1. Create a file named roomtoken.js and copy the following code into it:

const { roomToken, TokenPrefix } = require("./index");
// Generate a Room token
const netlessRoomToken = roomToken(
"Your AK", // Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", // Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, // Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire
role: 1 // Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to 0 (Admin), 1 (Writer), or 2 (Reader)
uuid: "Room UUID" // Fill in the Room UUID. You can get it by calling the RESTful API to create a room or get a room list

  1. Run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSROOM_ in the terminal:

node roomtoken.js

Generate a Task Token

Refer to the following steps to generate a Task Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/Node/JavaScript folder and run the following command to install Node.js dependencies:

npm install

  1. Create a file named tasktoken.js, and copy the following code into it:

const { taskToken, TokenPrefix } = require("./index");
// Generate a Task Token
const netlessTaskToken = taskToken(
"Your AK", // Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", // Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, // Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire
role: 1 // Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to 0 (Admin), 1 (Writer), or 2 (Reader)
uuid: "Task UUID" // Fill in the Task UUID. You can get it by calling the RESTful API to start a file-conversion task

  1. Run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSTASK_ in the terminal:

node tasktoken.js


In the netless-token-master/Node/TypeScript folder, you can find:

  • A src/index.ts file, which contains the source code for generating Tokens.
  • A file, which contains code samples for generating tokens.

Before proceeding, ensure that you have installed the latest version of Node.js LTS.

Generate an SDK Token

Refer to the following steps to generate an SDK Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/Node/TypeScript folder and run the following command to install TypeScript:

npm install -g typescript

  1. Create a file named sdktoken.ts and copy the following code into it:

import { sdkToken, TokenPrefix } from "./src/index";
const netlessSDKToken = sdkToken(
"Your AK", // Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", // Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, // Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire
role: TokenRole.Admin // Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to TokenRole.Admin, TokenRole.Writer, or TokenRole.Reader

  1. Run the following command to generate the corresponding sdktoken.js file:

tsc sdktoken.ts

  1. Run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSSDK_ in the terminal:

node sdktoken.js

Generate a Room Token

Refer to the following steps to generate a Room Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/Node/TypeScript folder and run the following command to install TypeScript:

npm install -g typescript

  1. Create a file named roomtoken.ts and copy the following code into it:

import { roomToken, TokenPrefix } from "./src/index";
const netlessRoomToken = roomToken(
"Your AK", // Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", // Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, // Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire
role: TokenRole.Admin // Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to TokenRole.Admin, TokenRole.Writer, or TokenRole.Reader
uuid: "Room UUID" // Fill in the Room UUID. You can get it by calling the RESTful API to create a room or get a room list

  1. Run the following command to generate the corresponding roomtoken.js file:

tsc roomtoken.ts

  1. Run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSROOM_ in the terminal:

node roomtoken.js

Generate a Task Token

Refer to the following steps to generate a Task Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/Node/TypeScript folder and run the following command to install TypeScript:

npm install -g typescript

  1. Create a file named tasktoken.ts and copy the following code into it:

import { taskToken, TokenPrefix } from "./src/index";
const netlessTaskToken = taskToken(
"Your AK", // Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", // Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, // Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire
role: TokenRole.Writer // Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to TokenRole.Admin, TokenRole.Writer, or TokenRole.Reader
uuid: "Task UUID" // Fill in the Task UUID. You can get it by calling the RESTful API to start a file conversion task

  1. Run the following command to generate the corresponding tasktoken.js file:

tsc tasktoken.ts

  1. Run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSTASK_ in the terminal:

node tasktoken.js


In the netless-token-master/Java folder, you can find:

  • A file, which contains the source code for generating tokens.
  • A file, which contains code samples for generating tokens.

Before proceeding, ensure that you have installed a Java Development Kit.

Generate an SDK Token

Refer to the following steps to generate an SDK Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/Java folder and add the following code to the file:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
// Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to TokenRole.Admin, TokenRole.Writer, or TokenRole.Reader
map.put("role", Token.TokenRole.Admin.getValue());
String sdkToken = Token.sdkToken(
"Your AK", // Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", // Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, // Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire

  1. Go to the directory of the file and run the following command:


  1. Run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSSDK_ in the terminal:

java Token

Generate a Room Token

Refer to the following steps to generate a Room Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/Java folder and add the following code to the file:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
// Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to TokenRole.Admin, TokenRole.Writer, or TokenRole.Reader
map.put("role", Token.TokenRole.Reader.getValue());
// Fill in the Room UUID. You can get it by calling the RESTful API to create a room or get a room list
map.put("uuid", "Your Room UUID");
String roomToken = Token.roomToken(
"Your AK", // Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", // Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, // Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire

  1. Go to the directory of the file and run the following command:


  1. Run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSROOM_ in the terminal:

java Token

Generate a Task Token

Refer to the following steps to generate a Task Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/Java folder and add the following code to the file:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
// Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to TokenRole.Admin, TokenRole.Writer, or TokenRole.Reader
map.put("role", Token.TokenRole.Writer.getValue());
// Fill in the Task UUID. You can get it by calling the RESTful API to start a file-conversion task
map.put("uuid", "Your Task UUID");
String taskToken = Token.taskToken(
"Your AK", // Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", // Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, // Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire

  1. Go to the directory of the file and run the following command:


  1. Run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSTASK_ in the terminal:

java Token


In the netless-token-master/golang folder, you can find:

  • A Token.go file, which contains the source code for generating tokens.
  • A file, which contains code samples for generating tokens.

Before proceeding, ensure that you have installed the latest version of Golang.

Generate an SDK Token

Refer to the following steps to generate an SDK Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Create a file named sdktoken.go and copy the following code into it:

package main
import (
"../golang" // Replace ../golang with the path to the netless-token folder in your local directory
func main() {
c := token.SDKContent{
// Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to token.AdminRole, token.ReaderRole, or token.WriterRole
Role: token.AdminRole,
netlessSDKToken := token.SDKToken(
"Your AK", // Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", // Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, // Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire

  1. Go to the directory of the sdktoken.go file and run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSSDK_ in the terminal:

go sdktoken.go

Generate a Room Token

Refer to the following steps to generate a Room Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Create a file named roomtoken.go and copy the following code into it:

package main
import (
"../golang" // Replace ../golang with the path to the netless-token folder in your local directory
func main() {
c := token.RoomContent{
// Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to token.AdminRole, token.ReaderRole, or token.WriterRole
Role: token.AdminRole,
// Fill in the Room UUID. You can get it by calling the RESTful API to create a room or get a room list
Uuid: "Your Room UUID",
netlessRoomToken := token.RoomToken(
"Your AK", // Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", // Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, // Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire

  1. Go to the directory of the roomtoken.go file and run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSROOM_ in the terminal:

go roomtoken.go

Generate a Task Token

Refer to the following steps to generate a Task Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Create a file named tasktoken.go and copy the following code into it:

package main
import (
"../golang" // Replace ../golang with the path to the netless-token folder in your local directory
func main() {
c := token.TaskContent{
// Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to token.AdminRole, token.ReaderRole, or token.WriterRole
Role: token.WriterRole,
// Fill in the Task UUID. You can get it by calling the RESTful API to start a file-conversion task
Uuid: "Task UUID",
netlessTaskToken := token.TaskToken(
"Your AK", // Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", // Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, // Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire

  1. Go to the directory of the tasktoken.go file and run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSTASK_ in the terminal:

go tasktoken.go


In the netless-token-master/php folder, you can find:

  • A Generate.php file, which contains the source code for generating tokens.
  • A file, which contains code samples for generating tokens.

Before proceeding, ensure that you have installed PHP 7.3 or later.

Generate an SDK Token

Refer to the following steps to generate an SDK Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/php folder, create a file named sdktoken.php, and copy the following code into it:

// Import Composer to manage dependencies
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Netless\Token\Generate;
$netlessToken = new Generate;
$sdkToken = $netlessToken->sdkToken(
"Your AK", // Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", // Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, // Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire
"role" => Generate::AdminRole, // Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to AdminRole, WriterRole, or ReaderRole
echo $sdkToken;

  1. Run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSSDK_ in the terminal:

php sdktoken.php

Generate a Room Token

Refer to the following steps to generate a Room Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/php folder, create a file named roomtoken.php, and copy the following code into it:

// Import Composer to manage dependencies
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Netless\Token\Generate;
$netlessToken = new Generate;
$roomToken = $netlessToken->roomToken(
"Your AK", // Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", // Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, // Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire
"role" => Generate::ReaderRole, // Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to AdminRole, WriterRole, or ReaderRole
"uuid" => "Your Room UUID" // Fill in the Room UUID. You can get it by calling the RESTful API to create a room or get a room list
echo $roomToken;

  1. Run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSROOM_ in the terminal:

php roomtoken.php

Generate a Task Token

Refer to the following steps to generate a Task Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/php folder, create a file named tasktoken.php, and copy the following code into it:

// Import Composer to manage dependencies
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Netless\Token\Generate;
$netlessToken = new Generate;
$roomToken = $netlessToken->roomToken(
"Your AK", // Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", // Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, // Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire
"role" => Generate::ReaderRole, // Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to AdminRole, WriterRole, or ReaderRole
"uuid" => "Your Task UUID" // Fill in the Task UUID. You can get it by calling the RESTful API to start a file-conversion task
echo $sdkToken;

  1. Run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSTASK_ in the terminal:

php tasktoken.php


In the netless-token-master/ruby folder, you can find:

  • A token.rb file, which contains the source code for generating tokens.
  • A file, which contains code samples for generating tokens.

Before proceeding, ensure that you have installed Ruby 2.1 or later.

Generate an SDK Token

Refer to the following steps to generate an SDK Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository, or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/ruby folder and run the following command to install uuidtools:

gem install uuidtools

  1. In the ruby folder, create a file named sdktoken.rb and copy the following code into it:

require './lib/token.rb'
sdktoken = NetlessToken.sdk_token(
"Your AK", # Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", # Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, # Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire
:role => NetlessToken::ROLE::ADMIN # Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to ADMIN, WRITER, or READER
puts sdktoken

  1. Run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSSDK_ in the terminal:

ruby sdktoken.rb

Generate a Room Token

Refer to the following steps to generate a Room Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/ruby folder and run the following command to install uuidtools:

gem install uuidtools

  1. In the ruby folder, create a file named roomtoken.rb and copy the following code into it:

require './lib/token.rb'
roomtoken = NetlessToken.room_token(
"Your AK", # Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"Your SK", # Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, # Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire
:role => NetlessToken::ROLE::ADMIN # Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to ADMIN, WRITER, or READER
:uuid => "Your Room UUID" # Fill in the Room UUID. You can get it by calling the RESTful API to create a room or get a room list
puts roomtoken

  1. Run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSROOM_ in the terminal:

ruby roomtoken.rb

Generate a Task Token

Refer to the following steps to generate a Task Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/ruby folder, and run the following command to install uuidtools:

gem install uuidtools

  1. In the ruby folder, create a file named tasktoken.rb and copy the following code into it:

require './lib/token.rb'
tasktoken = NetlessToken.task_token(
"Your AK", # Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
"netless sk", # Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
1000 * 60 * 10, # Token validity period in milliseconds. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire
:role => NetlessToken::ROLE::ADMIN # Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to ADMIN, WRITER, or READER
:uuid => "Your Room UUID" # Fill in the Task UUID. You can get it by calling the RESTful API to start a file-conversion task
puts tasktoken

  1. Run the following command, after which you should see a token prefixed with NETLESSTASK_ in the terminal:

ruby tasktoken.rb

C Sharp

In the netless-token-master/csharp folder, you can find:

  • A Token.cs file, which contains the source code for generating tokens.
  • A file, which contains code samples for generating tokens.

Before proceeding, ensure that you have installed the latest version of Visual Studio.

Generate an SDK Token

Refer to the following steps to generate an SDK Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository, or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/csharp folder and open the csharp.sln file in Visual Studio.

  3. Fill in your AK, SK, token validity period, and token role in the Program.cs file.

using System;
using Netless;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string token = NetlessToken.SdkToken(
// Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
// Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
// Set the Token validity period. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire
1000 * 60 * 10,
// Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to TokenRole.Admin, TokenRole.Writer, or TokenRole.Reader
new SdkContent(TokenRole.Admin));

  1. Run the project in Visual Studio. You should see a token prefixed with NETLESSSDK_ in the terminal.

Generate a Room Token

Refer to the following steps to generate a Room Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/csharp folder and open the csharp.sln file in Visual Studio.

  3. Delete the code in the Program.cs file and copy the following sample code into it:

using System;
using Netless;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string token = NetlessToken.RoomToken(
// Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
// Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
// Set the Token validity period. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire
1000 * 60 * 10,
// Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to TokenRole.Admin, TokenRole.Writer, or TokenRole.Reader
// Fill in the Room UUID. You can get it by calling the RESTful API to create a room or get a room list
new RoomContent(TokenRole.Admin, "房间的 UUID")

  1. Run the project in Visual Studio. You should see a token prefixed with NETLESSROOM_ in the terminal.

Generate a Task Token

Refer to the following steps to generate a Task Token:

  1. Download the netless-token repository or clone it to a local directory.

  2. Go to the netless-token-master/csharp folder and open the csharp.sln file in Visual Studio.

  3. Delete the code in the Program.cs file and copy the following sample code into it:

using System;
using Netless;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string token = NetlessToken.RoomToken(
// Fill in the AK you get from Agora Console
// Fill in the SK you get from Agora Console
// Set the Token validity period. If you set it to 0, the token will never expire
1000 * 60 * 10,
// Define the permissions granted by the token. You can set it to TokenRole.Admin, TokenRole.Writer, or TokenRole.Reader
// Fill in the Task UUID. You can get it by calling the RESTful API to start a file-conversion task
new TaskContent(TokenRole.Admin, "Your Task UUID")

  1. Run the project in Visual Studio. You should see a token prefixed with NETLESSTASK_ in the terminal.