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FaceUnity AR Filter

The FaceUnity AR Filter extension uses 3D vision, 3D graphics, and deep learning technologies to provide industry’s leading AR portrait video effects for Video SDK. It enables you to add diverse special effects that provide full coverage of the human face, including:

  • Basic beauty: Skin beautification, whitening, rosy.
  • Advanced beauty: Video beauty effects for shape, face and skin.
  • Number detection: Detect the number of faces, humans, or gestures.

This page shows you how to integrate and use the FaceUnity AR Filter extension in your app.

Understand the tech

To quickly integrate FaceUnity's AR filter capabilities in your app, you set extension properties using the key and value parameters in Video SDK. When you call setExtensionProperty or setExtensionPropertyWithVendor method of Video SDK and pass in a pair of key and value parameters, it is equivalent to calling the corresponding FaceUnity API. The key is named after the FaceUnity API method, and value wraps the parameters required for that method in JSON. Currently, the extension encapsulates part of the APIs of the FaceUnity Nama SDK. For details, see the FaceUnity key-value overview.


The development environment requirements are as follows:

  • Android Studio 4.1 or higher.
  • Android SDK API Level 24 or higher.
  • A mobile device that runs Android 4.1 or higher.

Project Setup

To implement FaceUnity features in your app, open the SDK quickstart for Video Calling project you created previously.

  1. Setup the sample project

    Agora provides the FaceUnity sample project on Github to help you get started with FaceUnity. To set up and run the sample project, do the following:

    1. Clone the Github repository. In Terminal, execute the following command:

      git clone

    2. Complete the setup. Follow the steps in the README.

  1. Get the FaceUnity extension

    To get the FaceUnity extension license, filters, and resource files, take the following steps:

    1. Contact Agora for activation and provide your package name. For example, yourCompany.yourProject.faceunity.

      You receive the authpack certificate file from Agora that corresponds to your package name. You use this file to integrate FaceUnity into your app.

    2. Download the FaceUnity AR Filter package for your platform from the Extensions Marketplace.

    3. Download the FaceUnity resource package.

Integrate the extension

This section describes the call sequence you implement to use FaceUnity features in your app.

  1. Add the extension to your project

    To add the FaceUnity extension to to your project, take the following steps:

    1. Unzip the FaceUnity AR Filter package, then save all .aar files to the /app/libs folder in your Android project.

    2. Save the certificate file to the path corresponding to the package name you provided when you obtained the certificate.

      For example, if the package name is io.agora.rte.extension.faceunity.example, the certificate file should be saved to /app/src/main/java/io/agora/rte/extension/faceunity/example).

    3. Save the model and prop files you need from the resource package to the /app/src/main/assets folder in your project.

      For details of the files provided in the resource pack, see Resource package structure.

    4. In app/build.gradle, add the following line under dependencies:

      implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar", "*.aar"])

    5. Add the following libraries in the list of import statements in your Android activity:

      import io.agora.rtc2.Constants;
      import io.agora.rtc2.IMediaExtensionObserver;
      import io.agora.rtc2.IRtcEngineEventHandler;
      import io.agora.rtc2.RtcEngine;
      import io.agora.rtc2.RtcEngineConfig;
      import io.agora.rte.extension.faceunity.ExtensionManager;

  2. Enable the extension

    When you initialize RtcEngine, call enableExtension before other APIs, including enableVideo and joinChannel.

    RtcEngineConfig config = new RtcEngineConfig();
    // load the plugin
    mRtcEngine = RtcEngine.create(config);
    // enable plugin
    mRtcEngine.enableExtension("FaceUnity", "Effect", enabled);

  3. Initialize the extension

    After receiving the onExtensionStarted callback, call setExtensionProperty, and pass the corresponding key and value pair:

    1. Load the extension.

      Set the key as fuSetup, and the value as the pointer to the certificate file.

    2. Load the AI model.

      Set the key as fuLoadAIModelFromPackage, and the value to the path of the AI capability model file ai_xxx.bundle and the AI capability type.

      private void initExtension() {
      // initialization
      try {
      JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
      JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
      for (byte it : authpack.A()) {
      jsonObject.put("authdata", jsonArray);
      setExtensionProperty("fuSetup", jsonObject.toString());
      } catch (JSONException e) {
      Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
      // load the AI model
      File modelDir = new File(getExternalFilesDir("assets"),
      try {
      JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
      jsonObject.put("data", modelDir.getAbsolutePath());
      jsonObject.put("type", 1 << 8);
      setExtensionProperty("fuLoadAIModelFromPackage", jsonObject.toString());
      } catch (JSONException e) {
      Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
      // you may call setExtensionProperty multiple times
      private void setExtensionProperty(String key, String property) {
      mRtcEngine.setExtensionProperty("FaceUnity", "Effect", key, property);

  4. Configure beauty effects and body recognition

    You can implement the following functions:

    • Load props and adjust beautification intensity
    • Recognize and track human faces, gestures, and bodies

    To set the effects, call setExtensionProperty and pass the corresponding keys and values as needed. For a full list of keys and values, see the FaceUnity key-values.

  5. Release the resources

    When you stop using FaceUnity do the following:

    1. Call setExtensionProperty and pass in the fuDestroyLibData key.
    2. After receiving the fuDestroyLibData callback, call destroy to destroy the Agora Engine.


This section contains content that completes the information on this page, or points you to documentation that explains other aspects to this product.

FaceUnity key-values

This section lists the FaceUnity APIs you can use with Agora SDK.

The key corresponds to the name of the FaceUnity API, and the value corresponds to the parameters of the API. In this section, if the value is the same as the parameters of the FaceUnity API, the link leads to the FaceUnity documentation. If the value is different from the parameters of the FaceUnity API, the link leads to a section on this page.

Method keys

Method keys refer to the keys you pass in when calling the setExtensionProperty or setExtensionPropertyWithVendor method of the Video SDK.

Method keysDescription
fuSetupInitialize the extension and authenticate the user. Must be executed before other keys.
fuLoadAIModelFromPackagePreload AI capabilities.
fuReleaseAIModelFree up resources occupied by AI capabilities.
Prop package loading
Method keysDescription
fuCreateItemFromPackageLoads the prop package.
fuLoadTongueModelLoads tongue detection data.
fuItemSetParamModifies or sets the value of a variable in the prop package.
Method keysDescription
fuDestroyItemDestroys a specified item.
fuDestroyAllItemsDestroys all loaded items and releases all occupied resources.
fuOnDeviceLostResets the system's GL state. Use this key when the OpenGL context is released/destroyed by external resources.
fuDestroyLibDataFrees up the memory allocated to the face tracking module after calling fuSetup.
System functions
Method keysDescription
fuBindItemsBinds resource items to a target item.
fuUnbindItemsUnbinds the resource items from a target item.
fuIsTrackingSets whether to get the number of faces being tracked.
fuSetMaxFacesSets the maximum number of tarcked faces.
fuSetDefaultRotationModeSets the default human face orientation.
Algorithm functions
Method keysDescription
fuFaceProcessorSetMinFaceRatioSets the distance of face detection.
fuSetTrackFaceAITypeSets the fuTrackFace algorithm type.
fuSetFaceProcessorFovSets the fov (equivalent to focal length) of the FaceProcessor algorithm module.
fuHumanProcessorResetResets the state of the HumanProcessor algorithm module.
fuHumanProcessorSetMaxHumansSets the number of bodies tracked by the HumanProcessor algorithm module.
fuHumanProcessorGetNumResultsSets whether to get the number of bodies tracked by the HumanProcessor algorithm module.
fuHumanProcessorSetFovSets the fov (equivalent to focal length) used by the HumanProcessor algorithm module to track 3D key points on human bodies.
fuHandDetectorGetResultNumHandsSets whether to get the number of gestures tracked by the HandGesture algorithm module. Note that ai_gesture.bundle needs to be loaded.

Method key description

Value parametersDescription
authdataThe path to the certificate file.
Value parametersDescription
dataString. The path of the AI capability model file ai_xxx.bundle. Such model files are located in the assets/AI_Model directory of the resource package.
typeInt. The AI capability type corresponding to the bundle file. Possible values are listed in enum FUAITYPE.
Value parametersDescription
dataString. The path to the prop package you want to load. A prop package usually has a suffix *.bundle .
Value parametersDescription
dataString. The path of tongue model data tongue.bundle.
Value parametersDescription
obj_handleString. The path of the prop package passed in when calling fuCreateItemFromPackage.
nameString. The name of the variable to set in the prop package.
valueObject. The variable value to be set.

For details on the variable names and values in the prop package, refer to the FaceUnity documentation.

Value parametersDescription
itemString. The path of the prop package passed in when calling fuCreateItemFromPackage.
Value parametersDescription
obj_handleString. The path of the target item.
p_itemsString Array. The paths to the resource items you want to bind.
Value parametersDescription
obj_handleString. The path of the target item.
p_itemsString Array, the paths to the resource items you want to unbind.
Value parametersDescription
enableBool. Whether to get the number of faces being tracked. If set to true, you can receive the fuIsTracking callback.
Value parametersDescription
enableBool. Whether to get the number of human bodies tracked by the HumanProcessor algorithm module. If set to true, you can receive the fuHumanProcessorGetNumResults callback.
Value parametersDescription
enableBool. Whether to get the number of gestures tracked by the HandGesture algorithm module. If set to true, you can receive the fuHandDetectorGetResultNumHands callback.

Callback keys

Callback keys refer to the keys returned in the onEvent callback of the Agora SDK.

Callback keysDescription
fuIsTrackingReturns the number of faces being tracked.
fuHumanProcessorGetNumResultsReturns the number of human bodies tracked by the HumanProcessor algorithm module.
fuHandDetectorGetResultNumHandsReturns the number of gestures tracked by the HandGesture algorithm module.
fuDestroyLibDataReports that the memory allocated to the face tracking module after calling fuSetup is released.

Callback key description

Value parametersDescription
facesInt. The number of faces being tracked.
Value parametersDescription
peopleInt. The number of bodies being tracked.
Value parametersDescription
handsInt. The number of gestures being tracked.

Its value contains no parameters.

API reference

Error code

This section describes the error codes returned when API calls fail, including the following two types:

  • The error code at the SDK layer: Check the return value of the corresponding API.
  • Error code at the extension layer: View it through the agorasdk.log file. For example, fuSetup ret: -1 means that an error occurred when calling setExtensionProperty/setExtensionPropertyWithVendor and passing in the key as fuSetup; the error code is -1.
APIError CodeDescription
enableExtension-3 (SDK layer)The SDK cannot find the corresponding extension dynamic library. The possible reasons are the following: The extension dynamic library is not correctly imported into the project or the passed extension name is incorrect.
setExtensionProperty-1 (extension layer)When the key is fuSetup: Repeated calls, fuSetup only needs to be called once. When the key is fuLoadAIModelFromPackage or fuCreateItemFromPackage: The passed value is wrong.
-2 (SDK layer)The timing of calling enableExtension is wrong.
-2 (extension layer)Parameter error. Possible reasons are: The input key or value is empty or the value cannot be parsed according to the JSON rules. Please refer to the specification in the document to pass the value.
-20 (extension layer)The incoming key is not supported yet. When the key is fuLoadAIModelFromPackage: The AI capability has already been loaded, and there is no need to load it again. When the key is fuDestroyItem: The item has been destroyed, and there is no need to destroy it again.