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Response status codes

After sending an HTTP request, the server will return a status code. Based on this status code, you can determine whether the request was successful and the reason for the possible failure:

  • If the status code is 2XX, the request was successful.
  • If the status code is not 2XX, the request has failed. Troubleshoot the problem based on the message field content in the response message body.

This page describes the status codes, the corresponding error reasons, and possible solutions.

Streaming key

Status codeMessage exampleReasonSolution
200 OK/Request successful./
400 Bad Request
  • Invalid settings.
  • Invalid 'channel' format.
  • Streaming key exists in region:na.
Request parameter error.Troubleshoot based on the specific content of the message field.
401 UnauthorizedInvalid authentication credentials.RESTful API authentication has failed.Retry HTTP basic or HMAC authentication.
403 Forbidden
  • Media Gateway is not enabled for this project. Contact us to enable.
  • Stream does not belong to this app ID.
  • The Media Gateway service has not been activated.
  • The queried streaming key does not belong to the corresponding app ID.
  • Contact technical support to activate the service.
  • Check if the passed in streaming key and app ID match.
404 Not FoundResource not found and destroyed.The requested resource does not exist.Check whether the passed in streaming key is correct.
409 ConflictResource with the same name already exists.Too many concurrent requests.Use a back-off strategy and try again. For example, wait for 1 second before trying again for the first time, then wait for 3 seconds to try for the second time, and 6 seconds for the third.
429 Too Many Requests
  • Request rate limit exceeded.
  • Resources quota limit exceeded.
  • No available resources.
Internal server error.Use a back-off strategy and try again. For example, wait for 1 second before trying again for the first time, then wait for 3 seconds to try for the second time, and 6 seconds for the third.
500 UnknownInternal error. Contact us to help fix it.Internal server error.Use a back-off strategy and try again. For example, wait for 1 second before trying again for the first time, then wait for 3 seconds to try for the second time, and 6 seconds for the third.
503 Service Unavailable
  • Service overload. Retry with the back-off strategy and contact us to fix it.
  • Service unavailable temporarily. Retry with the back-off strategy.
Internal server error.Use a back-off strategy and try again. For example, wait for 1 second before trying again for the first time, then wait for 3 seconds to try for the second time, and 6 seconds for the third.
504 Gateway TimeoutGateway timeout. Query to check whether the player has been created, or to create another one instead.Internal server error.Use a backoff strategy and try again. For example, wait for 1 second before trying again for the first time, then wait for 3 seconds to try for the second time, and 6 seconds for the third.

Flow configuration template

Status codeMessage exampleReasonSolution
200 OK/Request successful./
400 Bad Request
  • Invalid settings.
  • Invalid template ID.
  • Missing field: ""
  • .
  • Unsupported codec: "AV1".
Request parameter error.Refer to the message field in the HTTP response body to troubleshoot.
401 UnauthorizedInvalid authentication credentials.RESTful API authentication has failed.Retry HTTP basic or HMAC authentication.
403 Forbidden
  • Media Gateway is not enabled for this project. Contact us to enable.
  • Too many templates have been created.
  • The service has not been activated.
  • Too many flow configuration templates have been created.
  • Contact technical support to activate Media Gateway.
  • Delete unused flow configuration templates.
404 Not FoundStream template not found.The requested resource does not exist.Check whether the passed in templateId is correct.
429 Too Many Requests
  • Request rate limit exceeded.
  • Resources quota limit exceeded.
  • No available resources.
Too many concurrent requests.Try again with a back-off strategy.
500 UnknownInternal error. Contact us to fix it.Internal server error.Try again with a back-off strategy.
502 Bad GatewayInternal errors. Contact us to troubleshoot.Internal server error.Try again with a back-off strategy.
503 Service Unavailable
  • Service overload. Retry with the back-off strategy and contact us to fix it.
  • Service unavailable temporarily. Retry with the back-off strategy.
Internal server error.Try again with a back-off strategy.
504 Gateway TimeoutGateway timeout. Query to check whether the task has been created, or to create another one instead.Internal server error.Try again with a back-off strategy.

Information query

Status codeMessage exampleReasonSolution
200 OK/Request successful./
400 Bad Request
  • Invalid body.
  • Invalid app ID.
  • SID is missing.
Request parameter error.Refer to the message field in the HTTP response body to troubleshoot.
401 UnauthorizedInvalid authentication credentials.RESTful API authentication has failed.Retry HTTP basic or HMAC authentication.
403 ForbiddenMedia Gateway is not enabled for this project. Contact us to enable.The service has not been activated.Contact technical support to activate Media Gateway.
404 Not Found/The requested resource does not exist.Please check whether the passed-in SID is correct.
429 Too Many Requests
  • Request rate limit exceeded.
  • Resources quota limit exceeded.
  • No available resources.
Too many concurrent requests.Try again with a back-off strategy.
500 UnknownSome internal error happened. Contact us to help fix it.Internal server error.Try again with a back-off strategy.
502 Bad gatewayInternal errors. Contact us for troubleshooting.Internal server error.Try again with a back-off strategy.
503 Service Unavailable
  • Service overload. Retry with a back-off strategy, and contact us to help fix it.
  • Service unavailable temporarily. Retry with back off strategy.
Internal server error.Try again with a back-off strategy.
504 Gateway TimeoutGateway timeout. Query to check whether the task has been created, or to create another one instead.Internal server error.Try again with a backoff strategy.